An Inside Look
It is a 22,000 square-foot, climate-controlled indoor facility, the Bon-Clyde Learning Center offers classes, seminars, and workshops year-round, as well as being available for rent by clubs and organizations.
Our upstairs training area houses three fully matted rings, in separate rooms. Each ring is gated and includes obedience equipment. Other amenities include a kitchen area, dining room, and three restrooms. Classes, ranging from puppy training and beginner obedience, to all levels of competition, breed handling, and acting, as well as our specialty classes are offered in these areas.
Bon-Clyde Agility Center is a 10,000 square foot area housing a competition sized ring and all the Agility Equipment. The footing is a premier Tri-Color Hybrid Artificial Turf System with a antimicrobial additive. This state of the art turf makes a wonderful footing for both dog and handlers.
The Agility Center is fully heated and airconditioned for your comfort. Crafting is provided in the upstairs room joining the center.

Please contact Bonnie at 919-770-4861 for more information and a rental contract.

There are 4 rings available for renting. Three rings in the upstairs and one ring in the Agility center downstairs. Minimum rental is one hour and no more than 5 people.
This is a practice training session for you and your dog. No paid instruction will be allowed during this rental time. You must show a health certificate on each dog.
Agility Center:
$50.00 per hour up to 3 people ($10.00 extra per person)
$30.00 for 1/2 hour up to 2 people
Obedience Rings:
$50.00 per hour for 3 people ($5.00 extra per person)
$30.00 for 1/2 hour up to 2 people